Friday, August 22, 2008

For the Beauty of the Earth....

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Grosgrain: Apple Orchard Overalls GIVEAWAY!!!!

I think that I am in love with this fabric. Adorable overalls. Check it out. You can't miss it. Grosgrain: Apple Orchard Overalls GIVEAWAY!!!!

More Inspiration....

This is her weekly giveaway. This is the kind of sewing that inspires me. She is so creative and her work is beautiful. I have added her blog to my blog. I don't do that for just anyone- as if she cares...heehee.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Garden Party Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

Garden Party Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

You have to check this link out! This is another blog that I found that I check daily now. This amazing woman, Kathleen, sews clothes for her daughters and then gives them away! Yes, shocking but true. The best part is that the clothes are AMAZING! She is a self taught seamstress and she is so creative. It really inspires me. I have to keep checking back so that I can win one of her creations. Wouldn't Nina look just precious in this dress? You know she would!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

You have to love summer!

The Pure Joy of Summer

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Who doesn't love a big pink flower?

Nothing wrong with a little FLOWER POWER! I made these flower hair clips for the girls at Nina's birthday party. I think that they are precious. We do love a gorgeous flower at this house- of course, we also love gorgeous rocks! haha!

I pay these models a lot of money for these photo shoots. They are very demanding- wanting to make their own poses- not the director's pose. They are perfect for the job and within my budget so I guess I will keep them.
Any names yet for my boutique? I thought of the following and just need feedback:
Yam I Am
Ballerinas and Gardenias
Little Jo and Red
Big Pink Flower
I was trying to think of ways to combine the girls traits or names to make a name. I could also use family names:
Marilyn and Muriel
I need to stop. I am signing off. I have more pictures to share with you tomorrow!


I made cupcakes from scratch for Nina's birthday. The theme of her party was Under the Sea with Ariel. Thus- the cupcake pictures. My brother complimented me on the taste- and that was the biggest compliment of all!

Hair Clips

My newest clips. I enjoy making them! No, really, I do. I have more that I will show you but here is one set. My next goal is to come up with a name to call my creations-not the hair clips but everything I make- like Giggle, Giggle, Quack Creations, or something of the sort. I just an at a lost of what to name it. I am going to have Lee's step daughter create a logo for me. She is very artistic- and young- thus hip(like I am trying to be). Any suggestions for a name? I would really appreciate your help! My beautiful model!

Doll Clothes for Nina's Birthday

After popular demand, I am back updating my blog! I know that you have missed my exciting projects. I have been busy and I think I should share! Nina turned 4 years old. She wanted doll clothes for her baby. The baby used to be my baby doll -so the doll is very old. I won't share how old because I look youthful and I wouldn't want you to guess my age! The doll is tiny- 8 1/2 inches tall. That made it challenging to sew for her. I managed with the resources from the internet. Here is a sampling of my efforts: Cherries Jubilee Dress

Blueberry Bliss dress

Checkered Past dress
I wanted to make sure to get pictures of some of these clothes so that when Nina is a nasty teenager- I can show her how good I was to her! When Nina is a mother- I will again remind her how good I was to her! Heeeheeehee!